Most recent publications:

Åm, M. K., Teigen, I. A., Riaz, M., Fougner, A. L., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., The Artificial Pancreas: Two Alternative Approaches to Achieve a Fully Closed Loop System with Optimal Glucose Control, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 513–521, Mar 2024.

Riaz, M., Carlsen, S. M., Dirnena-Fusini, I., Åm, M. K., and Christiansen, S. C., Effects of Micro-Dose Glucagon on Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption in Pigs (oral presentation, abstract), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Teigen, I. A., Åm, M. K., Riaz, M., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., Effects of Low-Dose Glucagon on Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption in Pigs, Current Therapeutic Research, No. 100736, Vol. 100, Feb 2024.

Teigen, I. A., The Bihormonal Artificial Pancreas: New Perspectives on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Glucagon, ISBN 978-82-326-6877-9, in: Doctoral theses at NTNU (ISSN 1503-8181), 2023:106, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, May 2023.

Carlsen, S. M., and Christiansen, S. C., Effects of Low-Dose Glucagon on Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption in Pigs (ePoster), ATTD 2023, Berlin, Germany, Feb 2023.

Carlsen, S. M., Christiansen, S. C., Fougner, A. L., Stavdahl, Ø., Ellingsen, R., and Hjelme, D. R., THERAPEUTIC METHODS AND DEVICES (Patent Application no. WO2022268941), 29 Dec 2022.

Teigen, I. A., Åm, M. K., Riaz, M., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., Vasodilatory effects of glucagon: A possible new approach to improve subcutaneous insulin absorption in artificial pancreas devices, Frontiers in Bioengeneering and Biotechnology, No. 986858, Vol. 10, Sep 2022.

Åm, M. K., Munkerud, E. Y., Berge, M. H., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., The Effect of Glucagon on Local Subcutanous Blood Flow in Non-Diabetic Volunteers; A Proof-of-Concept Study, European Journal of Pharmacology, No. 175045, Vol. 926, Jul 2022.

Teigen, I. A., Åm, M. K., Carlsen, S. M., and Christiansen, S. C., Pharmacokinetics of Glucagon after Intravenous, Intraperitoneal and Subcutaneous Administration in a Pig Model, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol. 130, No. 6, pp. 623–631, Jun 2022.

Åm, M. K., Munkerud, E. Y., Berge, M. H., Teigen, I. A., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., The Effect of Glucagon on Local Subcutanous Blood Flow in Healthy Volunteers; A Proof-of-Concept Study (oral presentation, abstract), ATTD 2022, Barcelona, Spain, Apr 2022.

Teigen, I. A., Åm, M. K., Carlsen, S. M., and Christiansen, S. C., Glucagon Pharmacokinetics in a Pig Model (ePoster), ATTD 2022, Barcelona, Spain, Apr 2022.

More publications:

List of APT's publications 2014–present.

List of older publications and patents by APT members.

— A list of all scientific publications from the APT group can be found in Cristin.

The Microglucagon project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and is a collaboration between the NTNU Technology Transfer Office and the research group Artificial Pancreas Trondheim.

More than 465 million people are living with diabetes globally, of which around 10 % have type 1 diabetes. Being a chronic disease, it causes a substantial burden to patients, and a financial burden to society. Intensive research is ongoing to develop new treatments and new technical devices to better cope with the disease.

The Artificial Pancreas Trondheim research group at NTNU has developed a novel concept, Micro Glucagon, to be used in treatment of type 1 diabetes. Micro Glucagon is based on the vasodilating effect of glucagon. Injection of micro doses of this hormone results in increased local blood flow, and when mixed with insulin this results in faster insulin absorption and better blood glucose control.

The increase in speed of insulin absorption has been verified in animal studies, even when compared to the most rapid-acting insulin in the market. Clinical trials are planned for 2024.

The Micro Glucagon concept has a patent pending, and we are currently seeking commercial partners for licensing.


At present the project holds the following participants:

S. M. Carlsen Professor Sven M. Carlsen, professor in clinical research at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine at NTNU, and Consultant in endocrinology at St. Olavs Hospital. Thirty years of experience in the treatment of diabetes and has been involved in studies of glucose homeostasis in pregnancy. Prof. Carlsen is head of the APT research group.
R. Ellingsen Dr Reinold Ellingsen, former Senior Advisor at Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU. He also is a co-founder and board member of GlucoSet AS, a Trondheim based private company established in 2011 on the basis of a patented fiber optic intravascular glucose sensor, previously the Invivosense technology platform. Dr Ellingsen has been part of the steering group of APT since the beginning and although he is now retired, he continues to contribute to our team.
D. R. Hjelme Professor Dag Roar Hjelme, Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU. He has more than 25 years of experience from research and development of optical fiber sensor technology. From 2000 to 2010 he was CTO in OptoMed AS and InvivoSense AS working on in vivo application of optical fiber sensor technology. He was supervisor for Sven Tierney and Nils Kristian Skjærvold during their PhDs on glucose sensor development and in vivo sensor testing. He is also a co-founder of GlucoSet AS.
Ø. Stavdahl Professor Øyvind Stavdahl, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU. He has 6 years of experience in contract research, innovation and research management from SINTEF, is the co-founder and former general manager of a startup company, co-founder and former head of the Human Motor Control (HMC) research network in Trondheim. Stavdahl has a long history of participation in mainly medical-technical transdisciplinary research.
A. L. Fougner Associate Professor Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU. MSc and PhD in Engineering Cybernetics, with specialization in medical cybernetics, myoelectric prosthesis control systems. Previously employed as a postdoc in Artificial Pancreas Trondheim during 2014–2017 with focus on modelling and system identification. Fougner is also coordinator of the APT group.
S. C. Christiansen Dr Sverre Christian Christiansen, Associate Professor at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, and Consultant in endocrinology at St. Olavs Hospital. Has worked with APT since November 2014. Has a PhD in epidemiology of venous thromboembolism from Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands.
H. K. Berg Hilde Kjeldstad Berg, Business Developer in NTNU Technology Transfer. Project manager responsible for the commercialization project Micro Glucagon at NTNU Technology Transfer. MSc from NTNU in the field of biophysics and medical technology. More than 20 years of experience in medical technology, both within sales, academia, start-ups and healthcare innovation in a hospital setting.
K. J. Egelie Knut Jørgen Egelie is currently Head of IP management at NTNU Technology Transfer. He is managing new invention and technologies through patents and other intellectual properties and making these technologies accessible to the society through licenses and new companies. KJE has a master degree in biotechnology from University of Leeds and a PhD in innovation and industrial economics from NTNU. He has founded several companies e.g. one biotech company producing monoclonal antibodies. He has worked for The Norwegian National Intellectual Property Office as a patent examiner and group leader, has participated in several national initiatives on intellectual property and has a number of publications on innovation and intellectual property. In particular for the APT micro glucagon project he has been involved in protecting and developing the patents involved and other IP assets in order to make the case solid and attractive for possible industries, licensees and investors.

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Hilde Kjeldstad Berg

Address: NTNU Technology Office, Dybdahls veg 1, 7051 Trondheim
Phone: +47 47257222

Sven M. Carlsen

Address: Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, Olav Kyrres gate 10, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 72571109