Most recent publications:

Wolff, M. K., Royston, S., Fougner, A. L., Schaathun, H. G., Steinert, M., and Volden, R., GluPredKit: Development and User Evaluation of a Standardization Software for Blood Glucose Prediction, Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education (NIKT 2024), Bergen, Norway, 25–27 Nov 2024.

Wolff, M. K., Royston, S., and Volden, R., GluPredKit: A Python Package for Blood Glucose Prediction and Evaluation, Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 9, no. 101, p. 6904, Sep 2024.

Engell, S. E., Benam, K. D., Bengtsson, H., Jørgensen, J. B., and Fougner, A. L., Optimal Experimental Design for System Identification in a Bi-Hormonal Intraperitoneal Artificial Pancreas, 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 25–28 June 2024.

Wolff, M. K., Steinert, M., Fougner, A. L., Oh, D., Årsand, E., and Volden, R., Real-Time Blood Glucose Prediction Reveals a Discrepancy Between Performance Metrics and Real-World Evaluations, IEEE International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), Ålesund, Norway, 24–28 June 2024.

Åm, M. K., Teigen, I. A., Riaz, M., Fougner, A. L., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., The Artificial Pancreas: Two Alternative Approaches to Achieve a Fully Closed Loop System with Optimal Glucose Control, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 513–521, Mar 2024.

Riaz, M., Carlsen, S. M., Dirnena-Fusini, I., Åm, M. K., and Christiansen, S. C., Effects of Micro-Dose Glucagon on Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption in Pigs (oral presentation, abstract), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Benam, K. D., Gros, S., Carlsen, S. M., Christiansen, S. C., and Fougner, A. L., A Method for Estimation of Glucose Appearance Rate and Prediction of Blood Glucose Level Without Meal Announcements in Animal Studies (abstract, ePoster), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Wolff, M., The Ice Cream Experiment - A Real-Life Experiment of Machine Learning-Driven Blood Glucose Prediction (abstract, ePoster), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Lema-Pérez, L., Fougner, A. L., and Stavdahl, Ø., Sound-Based Meal Onset Detection Model Using Markov Chain (abstract), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Khoshamadi, H., Lema-Pérez, L., Riaz, M., Christiansen, S. C., Stavdahl, Ø., Carlsen, S. M., and Fougner, A. L., Modelling the Relationship Between Insulin Action and Insulin Clearance - Where Do We Have Saturation? (abstract, ePoster), ATTD 2024, Florence, Italy, Mar 2024.

Teigen, I. A., Åm, M. K., Riaz, M., Christiansen, S. C., and Carlsen, S. M., Effects of Low-Dose Glucagon on Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption in Pigs, Current Therapeutic Research, No. 100736, Vol. 100, Feb 2024.

Wolff, M. K., Schaathun, H. G., Fougner, A. L., Steinert, M., and Volden, R., Mobile Software Development Kit for Real Time Multivariate Blood Glucose Prediction, IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 5910–5919, Jan 2024.

Benam, K. D., Gros, S., and Fougner, A. L., Estimation and Prediction of Glucose Appearance Rate for Use in a Fully Closed-Loop Dual-Hormone Intraperitoneal Artificial Pancreas, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 343–354, Jan 2024.

Benam, K. D., Design and Implementation of the Dual-Hormone Artificial Pancreas in Animal Studies – A Model Predictive Control Approach with Intraperitoneal Hormone Injections, ISBN 978-82-326-7578-4, in: Doctoral theses at NTNU (ISSN 1503-8181), 2023:438, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, Dec 2023.

More publications:

List of APT's publications 2014–present.

List of older publications and patents by APT members.

— A list of all scientific publications from the APT group can be found in Cristin.

Former employees of the APT research group:

I. A. Teigen Ingrid Anna Teigen received her Cand.Med. degree from NTNU in 2015. She has worked as a specialty registrar in clinical pharmacology at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, before working as a PhD candidate in APT from December 2019 to December 2022. Her PhD thesis is entitled The Bihormonal Artificial Pancreas: New Perspectives on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Glucagon and the public defence was 5 May 2023. She was supervised by Sven Magnus Carlsen and Sverre Christiansen.
M. K. Aam Dr Marte Kierulf Åm received her from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in 2006. She worked as a PhD candidate for APT from January 2016 to Jan 2020. Her PhD thesis is entitled The intraperitoneal artificial pancreas: Glucose sensing and glucagon delivery and the public defense was in Oct 2020. Until end of 2022 she was working as a researcher and primarily focusing on closed-loop glucose control by use of intraperitoneal insulin and glucagon, and she was the main responsible for animal trials. She was supervised by Sverre Chr. Christiansen, Sven Magnus Carlsen and Anders L. Fougner.
By October 2023 she works in the Office of Admission and International Relations in NTNU.
P. Patil Pallavi Ajay Patil holds a M.Tech. degree in Biomedical Instrumentation from College of Engineering Pune, India. Her master thesis dealt with utilisation of an ultra-wideband sensor technology for X-ray Tube detection alignment. She was a PhD candidate at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics from September 2019 to January 2023, where she studied early meal onset detection by analysis of body sounds and other sensor modalities. She was supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
S. I. Siddiqui Dr Salman Ijaz Siddiqui was a postdoc at Dept. of Electronic Systems from March 2020 to August 2022. He finished his PhD at NTNU in Nov 2019 and his work in APT was related to our "Listening to the patients" project and early detection of meal onset. His research interests included acoustic signal processing and acoustic underwater communications.
By October 2023 he is a senior project engineer in Water Linked AS in Trondheim.
S. F. Schwermer Silje Fuglerud Schwermer (Silje Skeide Fuglerud) received her MSc degree in Applied Physics from NTNU in 2016, with a specialization in biophysical applications of optics and microfluidics. She wrote her MSc thesis on “Evanescent light field trapping and transport of micro- and nanocrystals of biological macromolecules on a waveguide for serial crystallography” at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. From 2017 to 2022, Silje was a PhD candidate with APT and worked with methods for optical spectroscopy and sensor fusion. Funded by Samarbeidsorganet (the Liaison Committee between the Central Norway Regional Health Authority and NTNU). Her PhD thesis is entitled Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Continuous Glucose Monitoring and the public defense was in June 2022. She was supervised by Dag Roar Hjelme and Astrid Aksnes.
By October 2023 she is a senior analyst in Equinor.
I. Dirnena-Fusini Dr Ilze Dirnena-Fusini received her MSc degree in Natural Science at University of Latvia in 2012. She completed her studies at Paul Stradins Health and Social Care College, where she received education in internal medicine and attained the diploma of Biomedical Laboratory Assistant. She worked as a PhD candidate for APT from February 2016 until Spring 2021. Her PhD thesis is entitled Intraperitoneal insulin administration – superior choice for an artificial pancreas? and the public defense was in Oct 2021. She was supervised by Sverre Christiansen, Sven Magnus Carlsen and Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
I. L. Jernelv Dr Ine Larsen Jernelv received her MSc degree in Nanotechnology from NTNU in 2015 and worked for APT as a PhD candidate from May 2016 until April 2020. Her PhD thesis is entitled "Mid-Infrared Tuneable Laser Spectroscopy for Glucose Sensing" and the public defense was in Aug 2020. She was supervised by Astrid Aksnes.
By October 2023 she is employed as a research scientist in Chip NanoImaging AS in Tromsø, Norway.
T. S. Sunilkumar Dr Telagam Setti Sunilkumar was an ERCIM postdoctoral research fellow at the Department Engineering Cybernetics. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Indore. His research areas are digital signal processing and machine learning. He was employed as a postdoc in Artificial Pancreas Trondheim from February 2019 to April 2020. His focus was on early meal onset detection in diabetes. He was supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
C. L. Zazueta Dr Claudia Lopez Zazueta was an ERCIM postdoctoral research fellow at the Department Engineering Cybernetics. MSc in Physics and Mathematics (University of Granada, Spain), with specialization in Mathematical Methods and Models in Science and Engineering, and MSc in Mathematical Sciences (UNAM, Mexico). PhD in Control, Signal and Image Processing (Inria, France). Employed as a postdoc in Artificial Pancreas Trondheim from February 2019 to November 2019, focusing on mathematical modeling and system identification. She was supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
By November 2021 she works as a postdoc in INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
K. Milenko Dr Karolina Milenko was a postdoctoral research fellow at Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU. MSc and PhD in Physics, with specialization in optical fiber sensing technologies. Employed as a postdoc in Artificial Pancreas Trondheim from June 2016 to November 2019, she focused on design and development of novel sensing devices for intraperitoneal glucose levels, based on optical spectroscopy methods.​ She was supervised by Astrid Aksnes.
By October 2023 she is a research scientist in SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway.
O. M. Staal Odd Martin Staal did an industrial PhD with Prediktor Instruments (former Prediktor Medical) and APT/NTNU from 2015 to 2018. His PhD thesis is entitled "Blood glucose dynamics: Identification, smoothing and real time estimation in free-living settings and the public defense was in May 2019. He was supervised by Øyvind Stavdahl, Steinar Sælid, Anders L. Fougner and Sven M. Carlsen. Previous experience included a MSc in Engineering Cybernetics (2006), 2 years experience from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and 6.5 years experience from medical device development in Axis-Shield PoC.
By October 2023 he is a senior scientist and developer in SpinChip Diagnostics AS in Oslo, Norway.
K. Kölle Dr Konstanze Kölle received her MSc degree in Chemical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and worked for APT as a PhD candidate from May 2014 until September 2018. Her PhD thesis is entitled "Towards a Safe Artificial Pancreas: Meal Detection and the Intraperitoneal Route" and the public defence was 7 Dec 2018. The main supervisor was Associate Professor Øyvind Stavdahl and the co-supervisors were Professor Sven M. Carlsen and Associate Professor Anders Fougner.
By October 2023 she is a research scientist in SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim.

Former students and interns of the APT research group:

H. Gitlesen Hanna Gitlesen pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. Her thesis was related to real-time state estimation. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Karim Davari Benam.
J. Bjerga Jørgen Bjerga pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. His thesis was related to model predictive control. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Karim Davari Benam.
K. Jegerud Kristian Jegerud pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. His thesis was related to meal onset detection. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
G. V. Haga Gry Veronika Haga pursued her term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2023. Her project was related to system identification. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Karim Davari Benam.
A. S. Seeberg Audun Svinø Seeberg pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. His thesis was related to acoustic signal processing and pattern recognition for medical applications. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Pallavi Patil.
C. Lillestrand Christian Lillestrand pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. His thesis was related to electrocardiogram based meal onset detection. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Pallavi Patil and Laura Lema Perez. During Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, he pursued his term project on mathematical modelling of glucose absorption after meals. His term project was supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Hasti Khoshamadi and Karim Davari Benam.
P. Skau-Nilsen Petter Skau-Nilsen pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2022. His project was related to estimation of glucose absorption. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Karim Davari Benam and Hasti Khoshamadi.
M. Holt Markus Holt pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. His topic was related to modelling of how exercise is affecting glucose level in people with diabetes. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Hasti Khoshamadi.
M. Halvorsen Martha Halvorsen pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. Her project was related to blood glucose level estimation. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Karim Davari Benam and Hasti Khoshamadi.
Å. Rindal Åshild Rindal was a 5th year Medicine student at NTNU and pursued her thesis at Dept of Clinical and Molecular Medicine during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, on a project related to glucagon. Supervised by Sven Carlsen and Sverre Chr Christiansen.
E. J. Daltveit Eirik Jakobsen Daltveit pursued his term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. His project was related to blood glucose level estimation. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Karim Davari Benam and Hasti Khoshamadi.
A. F. Bjerke Anette Fagerheim Bjerke pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. Her project was related to meal detection. Supervised by Tor Andre Myrvoll, Salman Siddiqui and Anders Fougner.
D. G. Klavins Davis Guntars Klavins pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. His topic was related to meal detection. Supervised by Dag Roar Hjelme, Salman Siddiqui and Anders Fougner.
A. K. O. Isifan Ahmed Khalil Omar Isifan pursues his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. His topic was related to audio processing. Supervised by Dag Roar Hjelme, Salman Siddiqui and Anders Fougner.
K. Laajab Khadija Laajab pursues her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. Her topics were related to covid-19 detection and meal detection. Supervised by Dag Roar Hjelme, Salman Siddiqui and Anders Fougner.
A. Tahiraga Ares Tahiraga was an exchance student from Technische Universität Kaiserslautern and pursued his term project at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2021. His topic was related to covid-19 detection. Supervised by Peter Svensson and Salman Siddiqui.
J. H. Gimle Jacob Hemstad Gimle pursued his term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2021. His topic was related to covid-19 detection. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Salman Siddiqui.
P. Bösch Patrick Bösch, our Development Engineer, was also a part-time MSc student at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics and pursued his term project and MSc thesis during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, on a topic related to insulin absorption. Supervised by Øyvind Stavdahl and Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
E. Mørch-Thoresen Eira Mørch-Thoresen pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, on projects related to modeling how physical activity and meals affect the glucose-insulin regulatory system. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Hasti Khoshamadi.
M. V. Bugge Mai Ve Bugge pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, on a project related to model based glucose control, in collaboration with DTU. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Karim Davari Benam, John Bagterp Jørgensen and Dimitri Boiroux.
M. W. Formo Mads Wikmark Formo pursued his term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, on projects related to safety and reliability in medical equipment. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Mary Ann Lundteigen.
E. Y. Munkerud Erlend Yttersian Munkerud was a 5th year Medicine student at NTNU and pursued his thesis at Dept of Clinical and Molecular Medicine during Spring 2021, on a project related to increasing the absorption of drugs. Supervised by Sven Carlsen and Sverre Chr Christiansen.
M. H. Berge Mathilde Hallem Berge was a 5th year Medicine student at NTNU and pursued her thesis at Dept of Clinical and Molecular Medicine during Spring 2021, on a project related to increasing the absorption of drugs. Supervised by Sven Carlsen and Sverre Chr Christiansen.
V. G. Bliksvær Viljar Grimstad Bliksvær pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2021, on a project related to noninvasive sensors and machine learning. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Pallavi Patil.
C. Angonin Céline Angonin pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, on a project related to acoustic signal processing. Supervised by Salman Siddiqui and Dag Roar Hjelme.
Aa. S. Djuve Ådne Skjelbreid Djuve pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2021, on a project related to acoustic signals and machine learning. Supervised by Salman Siddiqui, Anders Fougner and Pierluigi Salvo Rossi.
M. K. Wolff Miriam Kopperstad Wolff pursued her term project and MSc thesis at Troll Labs (in Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. Her thesis was entitled "Comparison of Various Insulin Pumps with Respect to Accuracy of the Insulin Delivery." Supervised by Martin Steinert and Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
E. Solberg Erling Solberg pursued his term project at Dept. og Electronic Systems during fall 2020, on a project related to mid-infrared spectroscopy. Supervised by Dag Roar Hjelme.
S. H. Rosland Sigurd Heide Rosland pursued a term project and MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2019 and Spring 2020, on sensor and pump interface for closed-loop glucose control experiments. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Patrick Bösch and Øyvind Stavdahl.
Andrea Holten Andrea Holten pursued a term project and a MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Thesis title "Enhancing the robustness of meal onset detection by sensor fusion". Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Sunilkumar Telagam Setti.
N. L. Røste Nora Lyngstad Røste pursued a term project and a MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Thesis title "Analysis of repetitive electrograms". Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Øyvind Stavdahl and Sunilkumar Telagam Setti.
NA Emil Jenssen, Martin Navarsete Murvold and Henriette Mathisen pursued their BSc theses at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2020, on a project related to miniaturization of a hormone infusion system. Supervised by Patrick Bösch.
L. S. Sæle Ludvig S. Sæle pursued a term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2019 on a topic related to bowel sounds, and his MSc thesis during Fall 2019 on a topic related to parametric uncertainty in model-based control. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Sebastien Gros.
T. Gini Tamara Gini, BSc in Computer Science from ETH Zürich. She was with APT for 3 months (Sep-Dec 2019) as part of an IAESTE internship. She worked on the interface between glucose sensors, insulin pumps and a control algorithm, as well as helping with other tasks in APT requiring excellent programming skills.
C. A. Muralitharan Chris Arun Muralitharan pursued a term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2019, on Kalman filter for sensor fusion in biomedical applications. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
W. Azam

Waleed Azam pursues his MSc at Dept. of Electronic Systems and worked for APT in a 15% position during Spring and Summer 2019. His work consisted of programming tasks, which focus on interfacing experimental hardware with advanced control software.
E. Søiland Elise Søiland pursued a term project and her MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, on topics related to system identification and meal detection. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner.
P. M. Stige Peter Martinius Stige pursued a term project and his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, on topics related to Prediktor Medical AS. Supervised by Anders Lyngvi Fougner and Steinar Sælid.
K. Strøm Karina Strøm pursued her MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Spring 2019, on a topic related to optical glucose sensors. Supervised by Astrid Aksnes and Ine Larsen Jernelv.
A. G. Thorbjørnsrud Andreas Grue Thorbjørnsrud pursued his MSc in Pharmacy at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine during Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. He performed a literature review on ways to enhance the absorption of drugs. Supervised by Sven M. Carlsen.
S. N. Finne Solveig Nyland Finne pursued her MSc in Pharmacy at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine during Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. She studied ways of enhancing the absorption of drugs. Supervised by Sven M. Carlsen.
Ø. Halvorsen Ørjan Halvorsen pursued a term project at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Fall 2018, on a topic related to exploring nanopatterns for use in a optical sensor based on surface enhanced Raman Scattering. Supervised by Karolina Milenko.
E. P. R. da Cruz Eduardo Pelizzari Raizel da Cruz stayed with the Dept. of Electronic Systems and APT during Fall 2018 during an IAESTE internship. He is a senior year Electrical Engineering major student at Western Paraná State University, Brasil. His previous work focused on sensor programming, signal processing, tests and measurements. He worked on data logging and implementation of real-time glucose prediction in the lab. Supervised by Silje S. Fuglerud.
M. S. Zakariassen Mathias Sunde Zakariassen pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering during Spring 2018, on a topic related to APT and development of an intraperitoneal port. Supervised by Terje Rølvåg.
K. H. Hopland Karoline Holst Hopland pursued her MSc thesis at Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering during Spring 2018, on a topic related to APT and development of an intraperitoneal port. Supervised by Terje Rølvåg.
S. B. Kjeldby Snorre Braathen Kjeldby pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Electronic Systems during Spring 2018, on a topic related to APT and optical spectroscopy methods for glucose sensing. Supervised by Karolina Milenko, Astrid Aksnes, Dag Roar Hjelme and Reinold Ellingsen.
K. Kvello Kaja Kvello pursued her MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2018, on a topic related to APT and meal detection. Supervised by Konstanze Kölle and Anders Fougner.
K. A. Unstad Karl Arthur Unstad pursued his MSc thesis at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Winter 2017/2018, on a topic related to APT and fault detection. Supervised by Konstanze Kölle, Anders Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
S. Ihle Stephan Ihle, MSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with a specialization in Neurotechnology. He graduated from the the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland in Aug 2017. Stephan worked with APT for 3 months in Fall 2017 during an IAESTE internship. Nowadays he is working towards a PhD at ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
H. K. Arild Helene Kongshavn Arild pursued her term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2017, on a topic related to APT and system identification. Supervised by Anders Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
S. Hukkelås Snorre Hukkelås pursued his term project at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics during Fall 2017, on a topic related to APT and glucose monitoring. Supervised by Anders Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl.
R. T. Nøstbakken Roar Tordahl Nøstbakken pursued his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics during Spring 2017, on a topic related to APT. Roar studied the possibilities for using additional sensor modalities to identify and suppress motion artefacts in non-invasive glucose measurements.
S. Nagarajah Sajeetha (Gita) Nagarajah pursued her master thesis in Pharmacy at Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children's and Women's Health during Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, on a topic related to APT. In an animal model she investigated how intraabdominal administration of glucagon affects circulating glucose level. Supervised by Sven M. Carlsen.
A. Danielsen Albert Danielsen pursued his BSc thesis at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in spring 2017, on a topic related to APT and glucose sensor calibration rig. Supervised by Patrick Bösch and Pål Gisvold.
A. Nilsen Anders Nilsen pursued his BSc thesis at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in spring 2017, on a topic related to APT and glucose sensor calibration rig. Supervised by Patrick Bösch and Pål Gisvold.
A. H. Grøvdal Axel Hansen Grøvdal pursued his BSc thesis at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in spring 2017, on a topic related to APT and glucose sensor calibration rig. Supervised by Patrick Bösch and Pål Gisvold. He also did an internship with APT during summer and fall 2017.
Eirik Knævelsrud received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in Feb 2017, on a topic related to APT and mathematical modeling. Supervised by Anders Fougner and Sverre Hendseth.

Nicolay Berge Erlbeck received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in June 2016, on a topic related to APT, mathematical modeling and real-time system identification. Supervisors: Øyvind Stavdahl, Konstanze Kölle and Anders Fougner.

Per Magnus Walmsness received his MSc degree at Department of Physics in June 2016. MSc thesis: Design and Analysis of Optical Fiber Probes for Glucose Sensing in the Peritoneal Cavity. Supervisor: Ursula Gibson.
He is now working towards a PhD degree at NTNU, Department of Physics.

Lars Magnus Kaasa received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in July 2016, on a topic related to APT and adaptive glucose control. MS thesis: Simulert adaptiv regulering av blodsukkernivå hos diabetikere [in Norwegian]. Supervisor: Øyvind Stavdahl.

Kaj Andreas Palm received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in June 2015, on a topic related to APT and intraperitoneal glucose sensing. Supervisor: Øyvind Stavdahl.

Håkon Øyen received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in June 2015. MSc thesis: Pulsatile insulin infusion in closed-loop glucose control in diabetes mellitus type 1. Supervisors: Øyvind Stavdahl, Anders Fougner and Konstanze Kölle.
Petter Rossvoll received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in February 2015. MSc thesis: Optical dip probes for near-infrared spectroscopic glucose sensing in peritoneal fluid. Supervisors: Øyvind Stavdahl and Anders Fougner.

Hans Erik Frøyen received his MSc degree at Department of Engineering Cybernetics in June 2014. MSc thesis: Algorithms for closed-loop glucose control in diabetes and intensive-care patients. Supervisors: Øyvind Stavdahl and Anders Fougner.

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Contact: Sven M. Carlsen

Address: Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, Olav Kyrres gate 10, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 72571109